
What People Are Saying

Amazing. Well done!
Not just another podcast – this is an EPIC podcast!!!

The bibliography and research sources alone AND WITH the audio version is amazing. Weaving audio, voice over, adds color and a depth to the experience. Wow.

What a blessing to have a place to learn and expand my mind to truths beyond the last 100 years. Thank you Gray.

Anthony D Vogel

I’m very impressed, you do have a way of unraveling the truth in such a colourful manner, the distinctive tone of your voice reflecting confidence and authority, especially the character voices, creating a level of intrigue and attentiveness in the listener.


Qui discere praeteritis non sunt, iterare peribunt.

(Those who fail to learn from the past are doomed to repeat it.)

Gray Stanton’s podcast is a masterful blend of historical insight, criminal forensics, and contemporary relevance. His meticulous approach to dissecting fact-based historic events through the lens of a forensic investigator, historian and first-hand witness is nothing short of captivating. Stanton’s ability to tie these events to the largest criminal organization in history of all mankind, all while connecting them to current events and geopolitics, is truly remarkable.

What sets his podcast apart is its unique blend of historical analysis and a biblical perspective, offering listeners a multi-faceted understanding of the topics at hand. Stanton’s story (truth) telling is enriched by his ability to activate critical thinking skills through vivid visualization and immersive sound design. It’s not just a podcast; it’s an educational journey that engages the mind on multiple levels.

Stanton’s dedication to delivering well-researched content, combined with his story (truth) telling prowess, makes his podcast a must-listen for anyone interested in history, crime, geo-political affairs and its impact on the world today. It’s a thought-provoking experience that leaves you with a deeper understanding of the past and its implications for the present and future.  


“Wow! Gray, an explosive episode, well done, fabulous exposure of the staged false flag event that was Port Arthur! My folks have always said that the poor guy was framed. Our criminal “government” was killing us then and they’re still killing us today. May justice be served for Marty Bryant as the truth of this disillusion society we live in continues to surface by the day. Appreciate your work Gray, looking forward to next season! Happy new year to you and your team. God bless.”

“WOW. Thanks for opening my mind. Love your work Gray… I was definitely one of those people who heard the (mainstream) news and then asked no more questions about this. Makes so much sense now. And yes its more important than ever to get this truth out there.”

“Dear Gray,

I just listened to your Podcast and it’s the best one about. Most only repeat the official storyline, but yours examines all aspects of this False Flag Event. I am Lloyd T Vance and run a big group on Facebook called Port Arthur Tasmania Exposed. We are lucky to have 15,900 members, I left a link for your Podcast on our Facebook group for people to listen to. Anyway, thanks for doing this.



“When truth speaks, the soul knows it.” Found your website via Nexus – which I haven’t bought in a long while. But I did today and stayed home. Everything happens for a reason and God moves in mysterious ways for sure. Keep up the good work. Amazing info & confirmation.”

“Thanks Gray. It’s my second time listening to this podcast… so much detail !! Thank you for bringing these truths out to the world – God bless. Blogger BronnyNZ, “Co-creating Our New Earth”.

“Hi Gray

This VERY informative podcast was done in December 2021 … how are the good forces going with fighting the evil in the world?

Are they winning?

Until the covid scam I lived in ignorant bliss … now I’m so deep in the rabbit hole I’m wondering if I’ll ever reach the bottom!

Since my awakening I’ve been relentless in trying to educate people about what’s going on … in the beginning I experienced great resistance and ridicule but now I see more and more people questioning things. This has given me hope for the future.

THANK YOU for sharing your knowledge and educating people … I learned more about our enemy and how the world actually operates from your podcast than the thousands of things I’ve listened to and watched over the past two years!
In a world full of compliant, often cowardly, unquestioning humans, your bravery shines bright.

Keep up the good work and if you need any help with your efforts I’m happy to do what I can … I want to be part of the change / resistance / fight that’s needed to win this assault on humanity … and rid earth of evil.

All the best

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